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e - Finite Elements

jconc has two types of finite elements : 3-noded triangular plain stress constant strain elements used to model concrete and 2-noded bar elements used to model steel elements (bars, tendons). The input format depends on the type of element.

Concrete triangular elements

e,<element number>,conc3N,<node 1>,<node 2>,<node 3>,<thickness>,<material number>*

The three nodes (1, 2, 3) must exist. They must be input in counter clockwise order.

The thickness is in the same units as the coordinates of the nodes.

Steel bar elements

e,<element number>,bar,<node 1>,<node 2>,<section of the bar>,<material number>*

The two nodes (1 and 2) must exist.

The section is in the same units (but squared) as the coordinates of the nodes.

Note: steel bar elements are in reality only link elements that only have an axial stiffness and no transverse stiffness. They thus cannot resist bending moments nor shear forces.

Cable elements

e,<element number>,cable,<node 1>,<node 2>,<section of the bar>,<material number>*

The syntax is exactly the same than for the steel bar element above. The initial stress in the cable is a property of the cable material.