i-concrete The i-concrete website at EPFL will be closed  
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Homepage i-concrete

The i-concrete online course presents a variety of teachings on behavior, conceptual design, dimensioning and development of constructive details of reinforced concrete structures.

The teaching is based on a series of case studies in the following domains:

Bases Classical examples
Practical examples Research

The teaching activities are supported by a series of applets and a riche collection of images from the literature and from experimental testing by IS-BETON.

Whom is i-concrete for?

The i-concrete courses aims at satisfying the needs of a very large user base:

  • Bachelor, Master and doctoral students of ENAC – EPFL
  • students worldwide interested in the behavior, conceptual design, dimensioning and elaboration of constructive detais for reinforced concrete structures
  • practicing engineers in the field of concrete structures, in Switzerland and world-wide
  • researchers in the field of the behavior, modelling, dimensioning and detailing of reinforced concrete structures